Information Resource on Collections and Museums
at Universities in Germany
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This index allows search for events regarding collections and persons in chronological order.

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Events from 1810

Alexander Ecker (1816-1887)
1816 Year of Birth
Gustav Leonhard (1816-1878)
1816 Year of Birth
Theodor Marsson (1816-1892)
1816 Year of Birth
Gustav Meyer (1816-1877)
1816 Year of Birth
Heinrich Fischer (1817-1886)
1817 Year of Birth
John Glover (1817-1902)
1817 Year of Birth
Hermann Kopp (1817-1892)
1817 Year of Birth
Robert Brendel (1821-1898)
1821 (probably) Year of Birth
Otto Delitsch (1821-1882)
1821 Year of Birth
Carl Fink (1821-1888)
1821 Year of Birth
Henry Lange (1821-1893)
1821 Year of Birth
Franz von Leydig (1821-1908)
1821 Year of Birth
August Nagel (1821-1903)
1821 Year of Birth
Hermann Schwartz (1821-1890)
1821 Year of Birth
Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902)
1821 Year of Birth
Albert Wigand (1821-1886)
1821 Year of Birth
Moritz Willkomm (1821-1895)
1821 Year of Birth

Continue from 1825

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