Information Resource on Collections and Museums
at Universities in Germany
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This index allows search for events regarding collections and persons in chronological order.

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Events from 1855

Franz Beyschlag (1856-1935)
1856 Year of Birth
Walther von Dyck (1856-1934)
1856 Year of Birth
Felix Genzmer (1856-1929)
1856 Year of Birth
Karl Heider (1856-1935)
1856 Year of Birth
Richard Krieger (1856-1920)
1856 Year of Birth
Carl Runge (1856-1927)
1856 Year of Birth
Gustav Steinmann (1856-1929)
1856 Year of Birth
Alfred Wiedemann (1856-1936)
1856 Year of Birth
Otto Berndt (1857-1940)
1857 Year of Birth
Rudolf Blaschka (1857-1939)
1857 Year of Birth
Albert Brodersen (1857-1930)
1857 Year of Birth
Theodor Curtius (1857-1928)
1857 Year of Birth
Botho Graef (1857-1917)
1857 Year of Birth
Otto Hamann (1857-1925)
1857 Year of Birth
Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894)
1857 Year of Birth
Richard Möhlau (1857-1940)
1857 Year of Birth
Max Rudeloff (1857-1929)
1857 Year of Birth
Hans Strahl (1857-1920)
1857 Year of Birth
Hermann Wiener (1857-1939)
1857 Year of Birth
Richard Beck (1858-1919)
1858 Year of Birth
Ernst Bumm (1858-1925)
1858 Year of Birth
Wilhelm Cauer (1858-1940)
1858 Year of Birth
Konrad Dieterici (1858-1929)
1858 Year of Birth
Eugène Dubois (1858-1940)
1858 Year of Birth
Georg Franke (1858-1935)
1858 Year of Birth
Eugen Korschelt (1858-1946)
1858 Year of Birth
Gustaf Kossina (1858-1931)
1858 Year of Birth
Gustaf Kossinna (1858-1931)
1858 Year of Birth
Karl B. Lehmann (1858-1940)
1858 Year of Birth
Friedrich Loofs (1858-1928)
1858 Year of Birth
Albrecht Penck (1858-1945)
1858 Year of Birth
Edward Schröder (1858-1942)
1858 Year of Birth
Fritz Strassmann (1858-1940)
1858 Year of Birth
Emil Ballowitz (1859-1936)
1859 Year of Birth
Joseph Brix (1859-1943)
1859 Year of Birth
Johannes Felix (1859-1941)
1859 Year of Birth
Vincenzo Guerini (1859-1955)
1859 Year of Birth
Arthur Heffter (1859-1925)
1859 Year of Birth
Alfred Hettner (1859-1941)
1859 Year of Birth
Johannes E. Kaiser (*1859)
1859 Year of Birth
Walter König (1859-1936)
1859 Year of Birth
Walter Mathesius (1859-1945)
1859 Year of Birth
Carl Matzdorff (*1859)
1859 Year of Birth
Paul Ostmann (1859-1945)
1859 Year of Birth
Fritz Sarasin (1859-1942)
1859 Year of Birth
Robert Scheibe (1859-1923)
1859 Year of Birth
Hermann Thoms (1859-1931)
1859 Year of Birth
Richard Wossidlo (1859-1939)
1859 Year of Birth

Continue from 1860

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