Information Resource on Collections and Museums
at Universities in Germany
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This index allows search for events regarding collections and persons in chronological order.

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Events from 1835

Carl Claus (1835-1899)
1835 Year of Birth
Ernst Ehlers (1835-1925)
1835 Year of Birth
Adolf Hörmann (1835-1906)
1835 Year of Birth
Adolf Michaelis (1835-1910)
1835 Year of Birth
Franz Reiff (1835-1902)
1835 Year of Birth
Carl Sauer (1835-1892)
1835 Year of Birth
Ludwig Schwabe (1835-1908)
1835 Year of Birth
Alphons Stübel (1835-1904)
1835 Year of Birth
Emil Winkler (1835-1888)
1835 Year of Birth
Georg Ebers (1837-1898)
1837 Year of Birth
Adolf von Koenen (1837-1915)
1837 Year of Birth
Karl Remeis (1837-1882)
1837 Year of Birth
Emil Schmidt (1837-1906)
1837 Year of Birth
Curt Wachsmuth (1837-1905)
1837 Year of Birth
Oscar Brefeld (1839-1925)
1839 Year of Birth
Karl Dilthey (1839-1907)
1839 Year of Birth
Richard Doergens (1839-1902)
1839 Year of Birth
August Kundt (1839-1894)
1839 Year of Birth
Oskar Liebreich (1839-1908)
1839 Year of Birth
Moritz Meurer (1839-1916)
1839 Year of Birth
Bernhard Naunyn (1839-1925)
1839 Year of Birth
Friedrich Nies (1839-1895)
1839 Year of Birth
Carl Rumpff (1839-1889)
1839 Year of Birth
Karl von Seebach (1839-1880)
1839 Year of Birth
Franz Späth (1839-1913)
1839 Year of Birth
Hans Thoma (1839-1924)
1839 Year of Birth
Ludwig Wittmack (1839-1929)
1839 Year of Birth
Ernst Abbe (1840-1905)
1840 Year of Birth
Ludwig Burmester (1840-1927)
1840 Year of Birth
Anton Dohrn (1840-1909)
1840 Year of Birth
Hugo Ficke (1840-1912)
1840 Year of Birth
Herrmann Fischer (1840-1915)
1840 Year of Birth
Arnold Heller (1840-1913)
1840 Year of Birth
Hermann Credner (1841-1913)
1841 Year of Birth
Adolph Goering (1841-1906)
1841 Year of Birth
Alois Hauser (1841-1896)
1841 Year of Birth
Leopold Just (1841-1891)
1841 Year of Birth
Leopold Kny (1841-1916)
1841 Year of Birth
Adolf Pansch (1841-1887)
1841 Year of Birth
Friedrich Prym (1841-1915)
1841 Year of Birth
Emil Cohen (1842-1905)
1842 Year of Birth
Wilhelm Jordan (1842-1899)
1842 Year of Birth
Carl Klein (1842-1907)
1842 Year of Birth
Emil Selenka (1842-1902)
1842 Year of Birth
Heinrich Weber (1842-1913)
1842 Year of Birth
Karl Dolezalek (1843-1930)
1843 Year of Birth
Theodor Eimer (1843-1898)
1843 Year of Birth
Hugo Koch (1843-1921)
1843 Year of Birth
Robert Koch (1843-1910)
1843 Year of Birth
Georg Treu (1843-1921)
1843 Year of Birth
Theodor Zincke (1843-1928)
1843 Year of Birth
Rudolf Böhm (1844-1926)
1844 Year of Birth
Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906)
1844 Year of Birth
Friedrich Busch (1844-1916)
1844 Year of Birth
Emil Dietrich (1844-1912)
1844 Year of Birth
Adolf Engler (1844-1930)
1844 Year of Birth
Adam Flasch (1844-1902)
1844 Year of Birth
Albert Wangerin (1844-1933)
1844 Year of Birth

Continue from 1845

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