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Modell eines Kristalls des Minerals Strontium (sauer, weinsauer) [Krantz 2]

Object NameModell eines Kristalls des Minerals Strontium (sauer, weinsauer) [Krantz 2]
Individual Model/Group/SeriesSingle Model
Type of ModelPhysical, Chemical and Crystallographic Models
Last UpdateFebruar 2012
Formal Description
Manufacture TechniqueHandcraft
Single/Multiple ManufactureMass Production
DismountableNon Dismountable
Description of the Content
Academic DisciplineCrystallography · Physics
Intended UseTeaching Object
Place of ProductionBonn
Producer/Distributor of
Technical Object
Reference Object
Reference ObjectMineral Strontium (sauer, weinsauer)
Crystal SystemTriclinic
Reference Collections
Kristallographische Lehrsammlung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin · Details