Information Resource on Collections and Museums
at Universities in Germany
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This index allows search for events regarding collections and persons in chronological order.

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Events from 1920

Katesa Schlosser (1920-2010)
1920 Year of Birth
Josef Svoboda (1920-2002)
1920 Year of Birth
Benno Markus (1921-1989)
1921 Year of Birth
Friedrich Mielke (1921-2018)
1921 Year of Birth
Otto Prokop (1921-2009)
1921 Year of Birth
Johannes W. Rohen (*1921)
1921 Year of Birth
Günter Behnisch (1922-2010)
1922 Year of Birth
Wolfgang Dürwald (*1924)
1924 Year of Birth
Eike Haberland (1924-1992)
1924 Year of Birth
Horst Nachtigall (*1924)
1924 Year of Birth
Fuat Sezgin (1924-2018)
1924 Year of Birth
Arnulf Stahl (*1924)
1924 Year of Birth
Elsbeth Stoiber (*1924)
1924 Year of Birth
Werner Traxel (1924-2009)
1924 Year of Birth
Wolfgang Heise (1925-1987)
1925 Year of Birth
Max Imdahl (1925-1988)
1925 Year of Birth
Dietmar Kienast (*1925)
1925 Year of Birth
Günther Steiger (1925-1987)
1925 Year of Birth
Wolfram Dufner (*1926)
1926 Year of Birth
Rudolf Kippenhahn (*1926)
1926 Year of Birth
Friedrich Karl Meyer (*1926)
1926 Year of Birth
Klaus Strzodka (1927-2005)
1927 Year of Birth
Woldemar Barthel (1928-2010)
1928 Year of Birth
Friedrich Gütte (1928-1997)
1928 Year of Birth
Erhard Sauer (*1928)
1928 Year of Birth
James D. Watson (*1928)
1928 Year of Birth
Rykle Borger (1929-2010)
1929 Year of Birth
Hugo Brandenburg (*1929)
1929 Year of Birth
Günter Ewald (*1929)
1929 Year of Birth
Nikolaus Himmelmann (*1929)
1929 Year of Birth
Heiner Müller (1929-1995)
1929 Year of Birth
Franz Josef der Smitten (1929-2010)
1929 (probably) Year of Birth
Gerhard Kirchner (*1930)
1930 Year of Birth
Walther Kuhn (1930-2006)
1930 Year of Birth
Hans Mohr (*1930)
1930 Year of Birth
Johannes Volmer (*1930)
1930 Year of Birth
Kurt Hofmann (*1931)
1931 Year of Birth
Helmut Freitag (*1932)
1932 Year of Birth
Joachim Marcinek (*1933)
1933 Year of Birth
Konrad Quitzsch (*1933)
1933 Year of Birth
Karl Ventzke (1933-2005)
1933 Year of Birth
Alfred Biolek (*1934)
1934 Year of Birth
Werner Nachtigall (*1934)
1934 Year of Birth
Helmut Sorg (*1934)
1934 Year of Birth
Steffen Wenig (1934-2022)
1934 Year of Birth
Günter Dittrich (*1935)
1935 Year of Birth
Herbert Kargl (*1935)
1935 Year of Birth
Rudolf W. Keck (*1935)
1935 Year of Birth
Wolfgang Kermer (*1935)
1935 Year of Birth
Gert Wappler (*1935)
1935 Year of Birth
Ulrich Hecker (*1936)
1936 Year of Birth
Achim Leube (*1936)
1936 Year of Birth
Franz Kröger (*1937)
1937 Year of Birth
Manfred Landfester (*1937)
1937 Year of Birth
Jürgen Neukirch (1937-1997)
1937 Year of Birth
Volkmar Fritz (1938-2007)
1938 Year of Birth
Dieter Flimm (1939-2002)
1939 Year of Birth
Erich Zenger (1939-2010)
1939 Year of Birth

Continue from 1940

Select Events

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