Information Resource on Collections and Museums
at Universities in Germany
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This index allows search for events regarding collections and persons in chronological order.

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Events from 1900

Karl Beurlen (1901-1985)
1901 Year of Birth
Martin Donath (1901-1965)
1901 Year of Birth
Josef Goubeau (1901-1990)
1901 Year of Birth
Gustav Mensching (1901-1978)
1901 Year of Birth
Erich Rammler (1901-1986)
1901 Year of Birth
Herbert Staude (1901-1983)
1901 Year of Birth
Hermann Trimborn (1901-1986)
1901 Year of Birth
Hermann Baumann (1902-1972)
1902 Year of Birth
Sophie Ehrhardt (1902-1990)
1902 Year of Birth
Kurt Gottschaldt (1902-1991)
1902 Year of Birth
Gottfried Koller (1902-1959)
1902 Year of Birth
Helmut Kraatz (1902-1983)
1902 Year of Birth
Karl Menger (1902-1985)
1902 Year of Birth
Gotthard Neumann (1902-1972)
1902 Year of Birth
Peter Paulsen (1902-1985)
1902 Year of Birth
Hans Schleif (1902-1945)
1902 Year of Birth
Hermann Schmidt (1902-1993)
1902 Year of Birth
August Schummer (1902-1977)
1902 Year of Birth
Heino Seitler (1902-1974)
1902 Year of Birth
Bernhard Hermkes (1903-1995)
1903 Year of Birth
Rudolf Hilsch (1903-1972)
1903 Year of Birth
Ulrich Hofmann (1903-1986)
1903 Year of Birth
Curt Kosswig (1903-1982)
1903 Year of Birth
Edmund Schlink (1903-1984)
1903 Year of Birth
Nicolas Théobald (*1903)
1903 Year of Birth
Horst Michel (1904-1989)
1904 Year of Birth
Erich Püschel (1904-1991)
1904 Year of Birth
Doris Schachner (1904-2004)
1904 Year of Birth
Gerhard Schenck (1904-1993)
1904 Year of Birth
Alfred Hermann (*1905)
1905 Year of Birth
Herbert Jankuhn (1905-1990)
1905 Year of Birth
Eberhard Kautsch (1905-1986)
1905 Year of Birth
Heinz Kirchhoff (1905-1997)
1905 Year of Birth
Liselott Diem (1906-1992)
1906 Year of Birth
Adam Falkenstein (1906-1966)
1906 Year of Birth
Walter Funkat (1906-2006)
1906 Year of Birth
Will Kleber (1906-1970)
1906 Year of Birth
Egon Martyrer (1906-1975)
1906 Year of Birth
Ernst Ruska (1906-1988)
1906 Year of Birth
Volker Aschoff (1907-1996)
1907 Year of Birth
Richard Dehm (1907-1996)
1907 Year of Birth
Kurt Erdmann (1907-1980)
1907 Year of Birth
Gerhard Lehmann (1907-1986)
1907 Year of Birth
Karl Mägdefrau (1907-1999)
1907 Year of Birth
Albert Maucher (1907-1981)
1907 Year of Birth
Gerhard Kleiner (1908-1978)
1908 Year of Birth
Oswald Rohling (1908-1974)
1908 Year of Birth
Fridolin Firtion (*1909)
1909 Year of Birth
Wolf Herre (1909-1997)
1909 Year of Birth
Fritz Leonhardt (1909-1999)
1909 Year of Birth
Hermann Meusel (1909-1997)
1909 Year of Birth
Kurt Schröder (1909-1978)
1909 Year of Birth

Continue from 1910

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