Information Resource on Collections and Museums
at Universities in Germany
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This index allows search for events regarding collections and persons in chronological order.

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Events from 1825

Leopold Dippel (1827-1914)
1827 Year of Birth
Hermann Krone (1827-1916)
1827 Year of Birth
Gustav Jaeger (1832-1917)
1832 Year of Birth
Carl Justi (1832-1912)
1832 Year of Birth
Franz Melde (1832-1901)
1832 Year of Birth
August Preuner (1832-1906)
1832 Year of Birth
Julius Sachs (1832-1897)
1832 Year of Birth
Karl Semper (1832-1893)
1832 Year of Birth
Julius Weeren (1832-1914)
1832 Year of Birth
Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920)
1832 Year of Birth
Hermann Zabel (1832-1912)
1832 Year of Birth
Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919)
1834 Year of Birth
Georg Meyer (1834-1905)
1834 Year of Birth
Theodor Nitschke (1834-1883)
1834 Year of Birth
Georg Quincke (1834-1924)
1834 Year of Birth
Eduard Selling (1834-1920)
1834 Year of Birth

Continue from 1835

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